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Assessment of the Effectiveness of a Juvenile Transitional Center for Facilitating Re-Entry

NCJ Number
Journal of Offender Counseling Services and Rehabilitation Volume: 6 Issue: 3 Dated: (Spring 1982) Pages: 61-72
C Behre; D Edwards; C Femming
Date Published
12 pages
Their programmatic research evaluated client progress at the Jefferson Parish Day Care Transitional Center Project in Gretna, La., a community-based day care treatment program offering services to adjudicated juveniles with lengthy criminal records.
The purpose of the programmatic research was to gain a first approximation of impact evaluation. The research involved before and after measures on target participants in the areas of reading, spelling, and math proficiency; intelligence quotients; personality traits; and arrests and offenses. Simple before and after measurement is not definite proof of net impact but rather is used to document the fact that a project is having an impact on participants that is consistent with project goals. The results of this study indicate that the program has a positive effect on participants. Tabular data and 18 reference notes are given. (Author abstract modified)