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Assessment of Departmental Operations and Manpower Resources, and Recommendations for Planning

NCJ Number
Reed Adams Ph.D.
Date Published
February 2002
167 pages
This report presents the findings and recommendations from a comprehensive assessment of the demographics and crime patterns in the jurisdiction of the Cornelius Police Department (North Carolina), along with an analysis of the structure, operations, and productivity of the department.
Cornelius is located in the Piedmont region of North Carolina. It borders the "inland Sea," which includes Cowans Ford Dam, a generator of nuclear power. Cornelius is a "bedroom community" for many who work in the major financial district of Charlotte, NC. Cornelius is growing rapidly, producing a significant traffic problem for the residents. The researcher interviewed all department personnel, composed of 39 employees including 29 sworn officers and 10 civilians. Crime trends were also analyzed. The department operates under the McKinney Community Policing Model (MCP), which requires officers to become involved in community activities as a means of improving residents' quality of life; for example, police are involved in recreational activities for youth and in programs for senior citizens. This study concluded that crime, especially juvenile crime, traffic congestion, and population growth likely would become more of a problem for Cornelius in the future. The study found that as the proportion of the town budget devoted to police increased, crime declined. Further, as the amount of police resources committed to the MCP model increased, crime decreased. The logical inference from these findings is that greater investment in police resources to enhance the implementation of the MCP model will result in effective crime control. 13 figures, 44 references, and appended detailed analyses