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Assessing Offender Substance Abuse Problems at Reception: Preliminary Findings From the Computerized Lifestyle Assessment Instrument

NCJ Number
Forum on Corrections Research Volume: 2 Issue: 4 Dated: 1990 Pages: 11-14
F. J. Porporino, C. Tellier
Date Published
4 pages
The Computerized Lifestyle Assessment Instrument is used to screen inmates for substance abuse programming at the time of reception, and can provide research data on the alcohol and drug use patterns of offenders and the relationship between substance use and criminal behavior.
The instrument gathers data through a computerized assessment procedure, by which the newly admitted inmates answer questions about their alcohol and drug use. The computerized system provides offenders with instantaneous feedback on the level of severity of their substance use. The instrument covers a range of assessment issues including nutrition, physical and mental health, quality of family and social functioning, criminal behavior patterns, and readiness for substance abuse treatment. Inmates probably answer more honestly to a computer than to a human interviewer. This article presents preliminary research findings based on a sample of 371 inmates from two Lifestyle pilot programs operating in three Canadian correctional facilities, two in the Atlantic region and one in the Prairie region. While the data show clearly that many offenders used substances regularly and exhibited problem use, over 86 percent of respondents believed they would be able to abstain from alcohol and drug use upon their release from prison. 4 figures