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Assessing the Needs of Homeless and Runaway Youth

NCJ Number
W Baker; W Naldich
Date Published
74 pages
This manual describes a systematic process for assessing the problems and needs of homeless and runaway youth in a community and for using the assessment to define needed services.
Although the process varies according to local circumstances, needs assessments have common elements: identification of the nature and extent of the problem, analysis of reasons for the problems, assessment of how the current service system is responding to the problem, and the development of steps to fill service gaps. Planning a needs assessment involves defining the research scope, staffing, budget development, and project scheduling. The collection of basic information focuses on statistical data, use of the U.S. Census to collect demographic data, other sources of information on the area and the problem, and observation. Surveys involve the selection of key informants, the use of personal and telephone interviews as well as mailed questionnaires, and the development of the survey instrument. The needs assessment also includes community forums and group think sessions, data analysis, and the development of the formal report. 22-item bibliography and sample worksheets.