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Assessing the impact of the national police training program Blue Courage on officer attitudes toward mental and emotional wellness

NCJ Number
Policing: An International Journal Dated: July 2021
Gregory Drake
Date Published
July 2021

Since law enforcement officer wellness has become a popular area of focus in recent years, the purpose of this research was to examine the impact of a police training program, Blue Courage, on officer (n = 174) attitudes toward mental and emotional wellness.


Borrowing from the field of medicine, a data linkage approach was used to match pre- and post-test surveys from officers who completed the training. This research used a single-group pre-test post-test design to estimate the impact of the training; and a lagged dependent variable (LDV) ordinary least squares (OLS) model was used to compare the impact of the training across different types of officers. The study found that participants who completed the training had more positive attitudes toward mental and emotional wellness at post-test. Officers of higher rank and officers who worked in non-urban departments saw larger changes in attitudes toward wellness. Cynical officers, identified in the literature as withdrawing from training and failing to participate, saw comparable change in attitudes to less cynical officers. Despite a relative inability of wellness training to work with police officers historically, this research suggests that certain approaches used by Blue Courage, specifically by targeting officer cynicism, may improve officer engagement in training and improve training results. (publisher abstract modified)