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Assessing the Impact of Crisis Resolution and Home Treatment Teams: A Review of Research

NCJ Number
Date Published
June 2021
40 pages

This document reviews the available research examining the implementation and impact of crisis resolution and home treatment teams, which may be effective in reducing hospital admissions and length of stay for individuals experiencing acute crises.


This research review examines the implementation and impact of crisis resolution and home treatment teams (CRHTTs), which are a mental health-based crisis response and treatment model consisting of teams of mental health professionals who provide response, assessment, and short-term, intensive treatment to individuals living with serious mental illness (SMI) that experience mental health crises. This review is organized into four main sections: the first section defines and describes the delivery of CRHTT programs; the second section discusses available research on the impact of CRHTT; the third section considers stakeholders’ perceptions of CRHTTs; and the fourth section presents key research findings and implications for future research and practice. The document concludes that CRHTTs are a promising approach as increased crisis response services can potentially reduce voluntary hospitalizations, but calls for additional research on effectiveness, particularly on hospital admissions, clinical outcomes, patient safety, criminal justice outcomes, and the cost-effectiveness.