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Assessing the Effect of Routine Activity Theory and Self-Control on Property, Personal, and Sexual Assault Victimization

NCJ Number
Criminal Justice and Behavior Volume: 39 Issue: 10 Dated: October 2012 Pages: 1296-1315
Cortney A. Franklin; Travis W. Franklin; Matt R. Nobles; Glen A. Kercher
Date Published
October 2012
20 pages
This study assessed the applicability of routine activity theory and self-control on property, personal, and sexual assault victimization.
This study used a sample of 2,230 female university students to assess the applicability of routine activity theory and self-control on property, personal, and sexual assault victimization. Results indicate that (a) both self-control deficits and participation in drug sale behavior were significantly correlated with increased property, personal, and sexual assault victimization; (b) increased partying and shopping frequency and off-campus housing significantly and substantively correlated with increased property victimization; (c) off-campus housing was correlated with increased personal victimization; and (d) increased number of days spent on campus and increased frequency of partying significantly increased sexual assault victimization, net of controls. Future directions for the integration of feminist theory and strategies for crime prevention are discussed. Abstract published by arrangement with Sage Journals.

