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Aspects of Administering Institutionally Housed Post-Secondary Programs (From Proceeding of the Thirty-Sixth Annual Correctional Education Association Conference, P 30-39, 1981 - See NCJ-85125)

NCJ Number
L Drapinl
Date Published
10 pages
New York State's Unified College Program Guidelines provide a unified code of standards which must be met by the prison, the sponsoring college, and the inmate-student to ensure collaboration and cooperation between the university system and the corrections system.
The guidelines cover such areas as admission criteria, recordkeeping, faculty and student orientation, evaluation, planning and scheduling, review of material coming into the correctional facility, financial aid, special services, program quality, student behavior, and rules for the transfer of inmates. After 2 years and 8 months of the existing guidelines, further guideline revision and regulation is needed to supplement the existing framework. Financial issues continue to require consideration for further guidelines, given recent changes in Veterans Administration benefits and other Federal and State student grants-in-aid programs. Other financial issues requiring assessment are the method of using student fees to meet the cost of special services and excessive tuition charged the incarcerated population. Guidelines should also be considered for policy issues, such as the relationship of the central office of the corrections department to programs in the field and inmate transfers. Program evaluation is also an area requiring further examination for guideline applications. Thirty-five references are listed.