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Art of Negotiation Within the Congress (From International Negotiation, P 9-13, 1984, Diane B Bendahmane and John W McDonald, Jr, eds. See NCJ-99624)

NCJ Number
E J Derwinski
Date Published
5 pages
A former Congressman discusses negotiation as practiced within congressional committees, by members concerned with public works projects and agriculture, and by congressional staff members.
Although there is little talk in Congress about negotiation, what goes on there does not differ much from what happens in diplomacy. The most visible negotiations are the House-Senate conferences, the only stage of the legislative process where the House and Senate actually work together. Often both the House and Senate permit amendments to be offered to a bill with the understanding they will be dropped in conference. 'Logrolling' is a classic type of congressional negotiation. For example, a public works bill will have projects in enough districts to ensure its passage. If members want a dam or a bridge in their district, they support the entire package. In agriculture, individual interests cooperate to make sure there is a subsidy for everybody. The greatest practitioners of this kind of negotiation are the heavily subsidized dairy interests. Because the average senator is spread very thin, bills these days may be drafted and negotiated by staff members. Negotiations are extremely difficult in election years and work especially well during lame duck sessions when there is no political motivation.

