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Arizona Uniform Crime Report, 1991

NCJ Number
Date Published
75 pages
The annual Arizona Uniform Crime Report is based on data submitted by 92 Statewide law enforcement agencies. The 1991 report identifies the nature and extent of crime in Arizona, provides management information needed for crime prevention, provides citizens with current crime information, provides legislators with information necessary to formulate crime- related laws, and provides data for researchers and planners.
The report summarizes State crime data, covering total index crimes by month, index crimes cleared, index crime comparisons, value of property lost, and type and value of property stolen and recovered. The section on Part I index crimes presents a definition, summary, and statistical data on each crime including murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson. County offense and supplemental data are contained in a separate chapter. State and county arrest data are tabulated by various offender characteristics including age, gender, and race. The final two chapters cover assaults on law enforcement officers and data on full-time law enforcement employees.