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Are You a Management "Cop"?

NCJ Number
Police Chief Volume: 57 Issue: 4 Dated: (April 1990) Pages: 151-152
T Gee
Date Published
2 pages
A compliance-oriented police management style can lead to alienation on the part of the workers.
Law enforcement managers still cling to traditional and outdated methods of management. The predominant managerial philosophy of today's police agencies is that workers are basically indolent and must be supervised constantly. Supervisors and managers should be integrators and facilitators, working to meet the goals of both the organization and the individual. Every attempt should be made to remove the stumbling blocks to individual performance. In order to meet the increasingly complex challenges of the future, a management style must be adopted that motivates subordinates by recognizing their innate abilities and intelligence, their desire to be challenged, and their desire to exercise greater autonomy in job accomplishment. To better motivate subordinates, an effective leader uses power minimally, and only for "course correction." A pleasant disposition, a sense of humor, and personal rapport with subordinates are far more effective than any formal power could ever be. 7 notes.