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Are Women That Different?

NCJ Number
Policing Volume: 7 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring 1991) Pages: 15-21
P C Low
Date Published
7 pages
The police service in England must take on a general commitment to improving management practices as well as specific research into the issue of gender and its impact on managerial decisionmaking.
While it remains unclear whether any assumptions can be made on the basis on gender, it is certain that most male police officers believe that women possess different qualities and skills from men, and that they are often less appropriate to police functions. Most studies focusing on this question have failed to provide the subjects' perspectives on their own behaviors. The matrix presented in this article polarizes two sets of beliefs about gender differences -- the complementary role and the equality role -- and outlines the predictable reactions of the dominant group to the minority group, based on either set of beliefs. 1 figure and 2 references