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Are We Living in a More Violent Society?: A Socio-Historical Analysis of Interpersonal Violence in France, 1970s-Present

NCJ Number
British Journal of Criminology Volume: 50 Issue: 5 Dated: September 2010 Pages: 808-829
Laurent Mucchielli
Date Published
September 2010
22 pages
This article discusses interpersonal violence in France.
This text suggests a general sociological model to interpret the development of violent behaviors in interpersonal relationships, based on the French case. An original synthesis of various types of data is used: police and judicial statistics, victimization and self-reported surveys, demographic and socio-economic data. The model links together five processes at work in French society: a societal process of pacification, a political and legal process of criminalization, a process of judiciarization of everyday life conflicts, a socio-economic process of competition for consumer goods, and a process of economic, social and spatial segregation. This model also attempts to link many theoretical contributions that have shaped the history of sociology and criminology. Figures, tables, and references (Published Abstract)