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Architecture for Justice, Proceedings, October 9, 1985, Los Angeles, California

NCJ Number
Date Published
39 pages
This report on the proceedings of the October 1985 meeting of the Committee on Architecture for Justice of the American Institute of Architects (AIA) encompasses written reports submitted, actions taken, and assignments made.
The first section includes meeting reports from the chairman, the steering group, and the staff, as well as information on the 1985 program and budget and 1986 programs. Liaison reports outline committee activities in cooperation with the U.S. Justice Department, the American Correctional Association (ACA), the AIA Foundation Research Council, the California Board of Corrections, the Commission on Accreditation for Corrections, and the National Sheriff's Association. Subcommittee reports pertain to new members, ACA Congress programs, the Justice Lexicon, codes and standards, courthouse design, the resource file, and special projects. The appendixes contain the vice chairman's report to the Design Commission, letters to the Justice Department, and the chairman's annual report to the AIA board.