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Arab Regimes Crack Down on Islamists

NCJ Number
Jane's Intelligence Review Volume: 14 Issue: 3 Dated: March 2002 Pages: 19-21
Ed Blanche
Christopher C. Aaron
Date Published
March 2002
3 pages
This article briefly examines the potentially damaging impact from the recent declaration of the war on terrorism by the United States and the U.S. strategic relationship with key Arab states in the Middle East.
In the past, the United States has done little to assist the Arab governments in dealing with Islamic uprisings. However, since the September 11 attack, the United States has become more involved and less shy about the methods used to crack down on radicals. Arab governments have seized the opportunity presented by the war on terrorism to comply on one hand, thereby avoiding being targeted by the United States, while, on the other hand exploiting U.S. anger to secure economic and military benefits or feed off a climate now conducive to forceful actions against political opponents. The Arab states of Egypt, Yemen, the Sudan, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia are examined in relation to the opportunities taken by them as presented by the war against terrorism, to crack down or repress alleged opponents having little or nothing to do with a substantive threat and in delaying or dismantling reform. The United States pressure on Arab states, allies, and even adversaries has exposed the flaws in the United States’ relations with these governments.


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