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Arab League Negotiations (From Multilateral Negotiation and Mediation, P 32-39, 1985, Arthur S Lall, ed. - See NCJ-100837)

NCJ Number
C Maksoud
Date Published
8 pages
This paper describes the structure of the Arab League and its operation in regional negotiations.
The Arab League, composed of 22 Arab states, promotes unity among member states. League organs are the League Council, which promotes league objectives and supervises the execution of agreements between member states; permanent specialized committees, which frame cooperative policies in their particular fields; and the permanent secretariat. The league promotes a common defense by all member states against any nonmember aggression against a member state and provides a structure for the peaceful resolution of disputes among member states. The League Council prefers to use conciliation in member disputes. The secretary general conducts factfinding investigations in disputes to assist the council in its conciliation efforts. Arbitration has only been used once. The relationship between the league and the United Nations is not an issue unless the conflict between the league and a nonmember state potentially affects world peace. The United Nations Security Council does not concern itself with disputes between league member states. 3 notes.


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