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Applied Dimension of Radical Criminology: A Survey of Prominent Radical Criminologists

NCJ Number
Sociological Spectrum Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Dated: (1988) Pages: 133-151
B Maguire
Date Published
19 pages
This study, based on survey results of prominent radical criminologists, is a preliminary effort to delineate radical criminology's applied program.
Radical criminology is known mostly for its theoretical focus. However, radical criminology has a practical side. Survey findings suggest that the future prospects for radical criminal justice policies are better than is commonly assumed. Some social justice reforms suggested were revitalization of community, citizen crime patrols, and promotion of small businesses. Police reforms included more emphasis on social work, demilitarization, and increased job enrichment programs. Proposed changes in the court system included shifting and expanding legal standards to reflect 'harm done,' diminishing the role of attorneys, and making criminal justice retrospective rather than prospective. Corrections reforms include making corrections positive and innovative, with an emphasis placed on strengthening 'community.' 23 references. (Author abstract modified)


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