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Application of Genetic Polymorphisms in Blood to Forensic Anthropology

NCJ Number
Japanese Journal of Legal Medicine Volume: 45 Issue: 4 Dated: (August 1991) Pages: 263-276
S Misawa
Date Published
14 pages
Forensic anthropology was employed to study Ainu subjects and Wajin subjects as controls in the District of Hokkaido, Japan, for blood groups, serum groups, and red cell enzyme groups.
The results of genetic distance analysis were in full agreement with the genetic affinity of the Ainu to the Mongoloid racial stock. According to the phylogenetic tree constructed on the basis of 16 polymorphic loci, it was concluded that the Ainu are derived from the common stock of Mongoloids. An analysis of 500 Negrito blood samples collected in the Philippines for genetic traits suggested that the distribution of Negritos is quite close to that of Mongoloid populations. Genetic analysis also revealed that "probe walking" can be employed to develop novel probes that provide different DNA fingerprints, that methylation-sensitive restriction endonucleases is unsuitable for DNA fingerprinting and other forms of DNA typing, and that the catalytic deficiency of the ALDH2 isozyme is responsible to the flushing symptom and to other vasomotor symptoms caused by a higher acetaldehyde level after alcohol consumption. The application of genetic polymorphisms in blood to forensic anthropology was also examined for sex identification of bleached skeletons and for 19 Japanese families with 67 individuals including twins. 37 references, 3 tables, and 10 figures