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Appendix: Male Victims Program (From The Sexually Abused Male: Prevalence, Impact, and Treatment, V 1, P 249-257, 1990, Mic Hunter, ed. -- See NCJ-128859)

NCJ Number
P N Gerber
Date Published
9 pages
This appendix presents the interview questionnaire used with male sexual abuse victims in the Male Victims Program of Greater St. Paul, Minn.
The section on family/social history solicits information on the client's relationships with family members, attitudes toward the family and its problems, relationships with important adults and friends, and feelings about social life and friendships. Questions on behavioral history pertain to school academic performance, involvement in extracurricular activities, and disciplinary problems. Other questions on behavioral history focus on problem behaviors, therapeutic treatment, and substance abuse. Questions on sexual history encompass sources of knowledge about sex, earliest recollections of sexual experiences, and a narrative history of sexual experiences following the earliest memories. The section on "Abuse Reactive Behavioral History" leads the client into an examination of his behaviors and feelings in coping with the "inappropriate" sexual behavior as well as the reactions of others who know about the sexual abuse. The section on sexual abuse history focuses on the details of the sexual abuse incident and the nature of the client's relationship with the abuser. Remaining questionnaire sections solicit closure information and interviewer's impressions.