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Anti-Drug Authority Annual Report, January 1 - December 31, 1993

NCJ Number
Date Published
72 pages
The 1993 annual report of Israel's Anti-Drug Authority (ADA) covering ADA operations indicates that drug addict treatment and rehabilitation constitute the ADA's largest expenditure category.
The ADA's cooperation with various government ministries is growing to prevent drug use in high schools, to increase the number of social workers involved in drug prevention efforts, and to involve customs authorities in drug control. The ADA also seeks to promote regional and international cooperation on drug issues and initiatives. The annual report examines the police role in drug prevention, the extent of drug abuse in Israel, drug abuse education, community action, human resource development, research and information, voluntarism, and media coverage of drug issues. An appendix presents the findings of a drug abuse survey in Israel and supplemental information on the ADA and drug intervention programs. 5 tables