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Anti-Arson Act of 1979 - Hearings Before the Senate Subcommittee on Intergovernmental Relations on S 252, April 26 and May 4, 1979

NCJ Number
Date Published
207 pages
These hearings focus on the establishment of an interagency committee on arson control to coordinate Federal antiarson programs, and the amendment of various provisions of the law relating to arson prevention, investigation, and detection.
Arson-committed fraud is one of the fastest growing and costliest crime problems in the United States. Arson fires now represent 25 percent of all fires, and annual arson deaths now number approximately 1,000. Insurance companies and law enforcement officials estimate that insurance losses amount to between $1.5 billion and $2 billion per year. The proposed Anti-Arson Act of 1979 recognizes fully that arson fighting and prosecution are essentially local government responsibilities. It also emphasizes the national implications of the arson epidemic. The act proposes a Federal interagency committee, to exist for no longer than 3 years, to ensure fulfillment of the legislative mandate, and to pool talents, skills, programs, and resources into an overall strategy allowing each agency its jurisdiction and recognizing the proper Federal input into State and local law enforcement functions. This vehicle for interagency communication and cooperation is desperately needed. Witnesses testifying include a New Jersey Senator, insurance representatives, Government officials, and others. Articles, letters, and the text of the act are appended.