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Annual Statistical Tables 1990

NCJ Number
Date Published
95 pages
This report presents statistical descriptions of all persons admitted to the four correctional programs administered by the Hong Kong Corrections Department, i.e., prisons, drug addiction treatment centers, training centers, or a detention center. There were 14,356 persons sentenced to correctional institutions in 1990. Detailed tabulations of inmate characteristics are covered in three sections. Section one provides an overview of the socioeconomic and the criminal characteristics of these persons. Statistics are supplied for such factors as age, previous convictions, offenses, types of sentence, length of sentence, education, occupation, and marital status. Section two provides detailed statistics on drug dependent persons. Included are statistics on the type of drug used, the method of administering the drug, the length of drug dependence, and drug-abuse causation. Section three presents comparative statistics for 1989 and 1990 for selected key variables such as sentence patterns and offenses. 40 tables