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Annual Medical Examiner Data 1994: Data From the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN)

NCJ Number
Date Published
92 pages
This report presents data on drug abuse deaths that were reported by medical examiners participating in the Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN).
Drug abuse deaths may be either drug-induced or drug-related. A drug-induced death is any death involving a drug overdose. In these cases, the medical examiner usually finds or strongly suspects a toxic level. In a drug-related death, the medical examiner concludes that drug use contributed to the death, but was not the sole cause. The report includes a summary of 1994 drug abuse deaths and drug mentions reported by DAWN medical examiners, drug abuse deaths and drug mentions in 1994 according to metropolitan area, and trends in numbers of drug abuse deaths and drug mentions 1991-1994. Sixty-five percent of the cases were drug-induced, while 33 percent were drug-related. Fifty-seven percent of deaths were accidental or unexpected, and suicide accounted for 20 percent. Cases reported by the consistent panel decreased 1 percent between 1993 and 1994; increases were seen among persons 12 to 19 years (20 percent) and 45 to 54 (15 percent). Comparisons of DAWN drug abuse deaths across metropolitan areas should be made with caution, since medical examiner cases vary by area and reporting practices are not consistent. Tables, notes, appendixes