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Annotated Provisional Agenda and Proposed Organization of Work

NCJ Number
Date Published
4 pages
This report presents the annotated provisional agenda of the third session of the U.N. Ad Hoc Committee on the Elaboration of a Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, along with the proposed organization of work.
The third session of the Ad Hoc Committee will be convened on April 28, 1999, and continue through May 3, 1999. The Committee will devote one day to the consideration of the international legal instrument that addresses illicit manufacturing of an trafficking in firearms, their parts and components, and ammunition. At its first session, the Ad Hoc Committee conducted a first reading of the draft international legal instrument against illicit manufacturing of and trafficking in firearms, their parts and components, and ammunition. The proposals and comments of delegations have been incorporated in a revised version of that instrument, which will be the basis for the consideration of the matter by the Committee at its third session. The Committee decided that the rest of the time is to be spent considering the draft United Nations Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, with emphasis on Articles 4, 7, and 8. This decision was made with the understanding that, should the Committee complete the drafting of the aforementioned article with time remaining at its third session, it will proceed to the negotiation of as many other articles of the draft Convention as possible, beginning with Articles 5 and 9. Two plenary meetings are to be held each day. The Ad Hoc Committee will adopt a report on its third session, the draft of which will be prepared by the Rapporteur. Appended proposed organization of work for the Committee's third session


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