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Annotated List of Journals in Criminal Justice and Criminology: A Guide for Authors

NCJ Number
Journal of Criminal Justice Education Volume: 3 Issue: 1 Dated: (Spring 1992) Pages: 93-142
M S Vaughn; R V del Carmen
Date Published
22 pages
This annotated list describes 133 multidisciplinary journals in which criminal justice professionals and criminologists often publish and is intended to help authors determine a suitable outlet for their manuscripts and to facilitate contact with editors.
The list includes only journals that are published in English. It also excludes most trade journals, newsletters, and other nonacademic publications and includes only law reviews that are devoted to criminal justice and criminological concerns. The list was compiled using a two-stage process that included reviewing the "notes to contributors" of each journal to develop each annotation and then surveying all the editors so that they could add to or correct the annotations. For each journal, the purpose, frequency of publication, content and format of manuscripts submitted for consideration, reprint policies, page fees, editor, and address are included.