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Angry Women Offenders - Case Study of a Group

NCJ Number
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology Volume: 30 Issue: 1 Dated: (1986) Pages: 41-51
D E Wilfley; C J Rodon; W P Anderson
Date Published
11 pages
A multifaceted group approach was successful in assisting women in a maximum-security prison (Renz Correctional Facility, Cedar City, Mo.) to acknowledge, accept, and constructively release their anger.
The eight group participants had difficulty managing their anger, and the group was designed to help them become aware of this problem and develop constructive ways for managing their anger. Activities during the eight group sessions included brainstorming, behavioral rehearsal, relaxation, verbal exercises, stress inoculation training, and discussion. Assignments consisted of readings, daily logs of anger-arousing situations, inmate responses, daily use of relaxation techniques, contracts to behave assertively rather than aggressively in specific situations, and strategies for continuing without weekly group sessions. The group was conducted by a team of two women from the community. During the final group session and individual exit interview, all group members rated the group experience positively. The women had generally disciplined themselves to analyze situations and weigh consequences before acting in particular situations. Alternative behaviors were developed for situations which had previously elicited a reflex anger response. Self-responsibility increased and was corroborated by other members' observations. 21 references.

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