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Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients: A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Manual

NCJ Number
Patrick M. Reilly Ph.D.; Michael S. Shopshire Ph.D.
Date Published
68 pages
This manual describes a 12-week cognitive behavioral anger management group treatment; it was designed for use by qualified substance abuse and mental health clinicians who work with substance abuse and mental health clients with concurrent anger problems.
The treatment model described in this manual is a combined cognitive behavioral therapy approach that uses relaxation, cognitive, and communication skills interventions. Cognitive behavioral therapy treatments have been found to be effective, time-limited treatments for anger problems. The interventions involve relaxation exercises, changes from detrimental to productive cognitive processes, the development of effective communication skills, and combined interventions. The intervention described in this manual is intended for adult male and female substance-abuse and mental-health clients (18 years old and older). Each of the 12, 90-minute weekly sessions is divided into four sections: "Instructions to Group Leaders," which summarizes the information to be presented in the session and outlines the key conceptual components; "Check-in Procedure" (beginning in the second session), which describes a structured process by which group members check in at each session and report on the progress of their homework assignments from the previous week; "Suggested Remarks," which provides narrative scripts for the group leader in presenting the session materials; and "Homework Assignments," which provides instructions for group members on what tasks to review and practice for the next meeting. This manual should be used in conjunction with the "Anger Management for Substance Abuse and Mental Health Clients: Participant Workbook." 33 references