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Anger Management: Reflections on a Program for Assaultive Youthful Offenders

NCJ Number
Juvenile Probation Tricks of the Trade Volume: 1 Issue: 2 Dated: (January 1992), entire issue
J Crumbly; J Aarons; W Fraser
Date Published
4 pages
This article describes the components and effectiveness of the anger-management program for violent and aggressive juveniles used by the Lane County (Oregon) Department of Youth Services.
The program consists of two, 90-minute sessions twice weekly for 8 weeks. The program first instructs students in the cycle and process of anger. This encompasses the nature of the stimulants that provoke anger, the feelings and physical symptoms that precede anger ("early warning system"), the "self-talk" that fuels the anger cycle, the feelings and mental states operative in anger, and the consequences of and recovery from anger. The instruction then moves to the development of techniques for the management of anger. This segment of the training emphasizes the practice of self-awareness and the selection of behaviors designed to reduce the consequences of anger. A study of 94, anger-management students shows that those who completed the training demonstrate significant suppression effects for anger compared to those who did not attend the training after referral and those who dropped out of the training before completion. 6 references