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Anatomy of Non-territorial Terrorism - An Analytical Essay (From Clandestine Tactics and Technology - A Technical and Background Intelligence Data Service, Volume 4 - See NCJ-77152)

NCJ Number
S Sloan
Date Published
21 pages
This document defines nonterritorial terrorism (NTT) as a form of terrorism not confined to a specific geographical area, identifies its characteristics, and discusses operational response alternatives.
NTT relies both on the use of new technology -- such as modern transportation systems, automatic weapons, and hand-held missiles -and on the neutralization of technology through attacks on the abundant targets presented by highly industrialized nations. This factor makes NTT a highly cost effective method for maximizing the impact of terrorist acts on the widest possible audience. These actions are executed to dramatize and highlight the terrorists' cause rather than to directly influence the course of a given government's actions. Therefore, NTT agents often choose symbolic targets, such as prominent government representatives. NTT ideology cannot be viewed as associated with a clear program of action and, as such, is not stage oriented. Although strategic goals may be clearly defined, considerable tactical flexibility may exist. As such, NTT defies predictive analysis, is difficult to counter with violent response, cannot be explained on the basis of conventional class or group analysis, and is not usually compatible with political solution. Law enforcement agencies should avoid reliance on a response approach emphasizing hardware and firepower, should learn to reconcile their traditional enforcement role with negotiation skills, should develop a coordinated approach and should use information dissemination methods. Businesses and their individual representatives should be trained to protect themselves against NTT agents. Footnotes are included.


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