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Analyzing the Hidden Patterns in Call Records

NCJ Number
Law Enforcement Technology Volume: 29 Issue: 5 Dated: May 2002 Pages: 96-99
Ronnie Garrett
Date Published
May 2002
4 pages
Pattern-Tracer TCA (Telephone Call Analysis or Temporal Call Analysis), a new tool from i2 Inc., simplifies and automates the difficult and time-consuming task of analyzing phone call records.
Pattern Tracer uses a proprietary algorithm to find repeating patterns in telephone call records to help law enforcement personnel identify members of criminal networks. In a criminal network, members call each other from different phones at different times. Figuring out who belongs to the network is complex. Pattern Tracer simplifies this process. Pattern Tracer allows investigators to import up to 100,000 telephone records at a time, sorts through the data to identify groups of calls that repeatedly occur together, then present any patterns as concise charts that can become actionable intelligence for investigators. These results can be viewed and printed, showing an overview of patterns over time in a temporal chart or a network view of patterns in a link chart. Pattern Tracer TCA can help investigators identify potential members of a criminal group, its communications chains, and the relationships between individuals involved in a crime. Further, it can identify cycles in a criminal process and provide analytical input to help prioritize investigative resources. It can also predict future incidents more accurately by highlighting all repeating telephone call patterns in historical telephone call data. This provides the analyst a proactive methodology to prevent recurring criminal activity.