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Analyst Professional Development Road Map

NCJ Number
Date Published
September 2019
40 pages

This document focuses on the development and enhancement of analytic knowledge, skills, and abilities for basic, intermediate, advanced, and supervisory analyst levels, and the training recommendations for achieving each level; it was developed to be applicable to any intelligence, crime, or law enforcement analyst position that is within the law enforcement, public safety, or homeland security environment.


This guidance-oriented document has the purpose of creating a sustainable, professional career path for analysts who operate within federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial organizations; it focuses on developing and enhancing analytic knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) across four successive analyst levels: basic, intermediate, advanced, and supervisory. The Road Map has four goals that are designed to help law enforcement leaders to understand and establish an analytic component within their agencies. Those four goals are as follows: identify common KSAs for the four different analyst levels; provide recommended training baselines for each level; articulate a common career path for analysts; and create a professional culture for analysts. The document is divided into sections for each of the four analyst levels (basic, intermediate, advanced, and supervisory), and provides detailed charts with listings and descriptions of common competencies, KSAs, and education/experience for each level. It also provides a breakdown of analyst training opportunities; minimum standards for training of each analyst level; an analyst training tracker tool; and endnotes with links to more resources.