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Analysis of Selected State Laws Directed at Violent and Chronic Juvenile Offenders

NCJ Number
Date Published
55 pages
This study explains and evaluates laws in California, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, and Washington directed at the violent and chronic juvenile offender.
Approaches used by the five States in dealing with chronic and violent juvenile offenders include the automatic transfer of juveniles charged with specified serious crimes from juvenile court jurisdiction to criminal court, the exclusion of certain serious offenses from juvenile court jurisdiction (e.g., murder, rape, and arson), lowering the age of persons under juvenile court jurisdiction, and imposing mandatory incarceration periods for juveniles convicted of specified offenses. Various State officials were surveyed in each State to obtain their assessments of the rehabilitative, punitive, and deterrent effectiveness of laws designed to curb chronic and violent juvenile crime. Washington State's juvenile disposition sentencing standards are appended.