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Anachronistic Features in Limiting the Age of Documents

NCJ Number
Journal of the Forensic Science Society Volume: 30 Issue: 6 Dated: (November/December 1990) Pages: 377-382
S Singh; Singh A
Date Published
9 pages
Two case studies are presented of document analysis in which clues in the conditions and materials surrounding the document limited the age of the documents.
In one case, certain receipts/vouchers contained evidence of artificial aging through heat application to produce smudges and moth-holes. However, because the heat was not applied evenly, part of the paper exposed was scorched and produced dark brown patches. In the other cases a declaration form was substituted at a later date to manipulate the date of birth of an employee of a coal mine. An examination of the suspect declaration form and comparison with three authentic forms showed the manipulation of the dates. All the authentic forms were in 1948, whereas the disputed declaration had been printed in 1962 and did not exist in 1948. In addition the signature was shown to be a forgery, as were differences in the reflectivity and fluorescence of the paper under ultraviolet ray examination. These examinations proved that the documents were fabricated at a time much later than the alleged dates. 3 figures and 6 references (Author abstract modified)