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Amity Righturn: A Demonstration Drug Abuse Treatment Program for Inmates and Parolees (From Drug Abuse Treatment in Prisons and Jails, P 84-98, 1992, Carl G Leukefeld and Frank M Tims, eds. -- See NCJ-138622)

NCJ Number
D L Winett; R Mullen; L L Lowe; E A Missakian
Date Published
15 pages
This paper discusses the development of the Righturn drug treatment program as a California Department of Corrections pilot project to determine the effectiveness of a treatment-community program in reducing drug and alcohol abuse and related problems among California's inmates and parolees.
Two hundred medium-security male inmates are participating in a 9- to 12-month prison-based therapeutic community (TC) called Amity Righturn. Upon parole, approximately 60 program graduates continue receiving treatment services in a 4-month community aftercare component. A quasi-experimental design for outcome evaluation is planned to examine program effectiveness. Numerous implementation problems exist, one of which is the availability of treatment resources required for continuity of care in the San Diego area. Even with additional funding for the demonstration project participants, failure to develop new treatment services in San Diego, particularly residential treatment beds, will severely affect the project. Another concern is the need for patience. Public safety and the protection of staff and inmates are the primary mission of the Department of Corrections. This requires extensive and time-consuming program development and training. 25 references