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AMICUS - A Manual Management Information System for Public Defender Offices

NCJ Number
Date Published
278 pages
This kit comprises the core and expanded versions of the Attorney Management Information and Casefile User Support (AMICUS) system, as well as recommendations for system implementation. The management information system guides the collection of data, monitoring of cases, and production of reports on case progress and outcomes for public defender systems.
This manual MIS system is designed for use by an attorney and a secretary. A statistician can use case index card information for periodic reports. Before initiating the system, the implementation manager should review office procedures, discuss the system with the staff, and begin staff training procedures. The implementation manager must carefully monitor staff system use and conduct frequent staff meetings to air grievances. The principal forms used in the core system are a client interview form, a chronological case logbook, a case opening form and case jacket, a chronological case log sheet and case log continuation sheet, a case closing sheet to contain information for statistical reports, a case index card for filing purposes, and a central calendar to record future events. The case closing summary indicates the results of cases closed during a report period, and the case turnover summary shows the number of cases moving through the defender office. A quick action card is used to record case events which cannot be handled practically with the more complex procedures. The modified or expanded system adds features which can be adapted to the particular office setting. These include slightly modified forms (e.g., an application for defense services form), as well as an additional report to organize information from more than one case turnover summary. The expanded AMICUS system also provides for an information bank with a master index to the topics of all previous research documents recorded on the topic index cards. The system may also be used in collecting and analyzing data for a case-weighting system to estimate time requirements for particular types of cases and to facilitate equal distribution of attorney caseloads. The nine AMICUS forms and the reports are provided, as well the Master Index of Information Bank subject headings.


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