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AMICUS - A Manual Management Information System for Public Defender Offices, Volume 2 - The Expanded System (From AMICUS, 1981 - See NCJ-80720)

NCJ Number
Date Published
183 pages
Methods for expanding an already implemented AMICUS (Attorney Management Information and Casefile User Support) system or for developing a separate management information system using AMICUS concepts are discussed.
The concepts and functions described must be adapted to the complexity of the particular office setting in question. The central functions of the modified system are determining a potential client's eligibility, opening a case, tracking a case event, answering a telephone request for information, tracking attorney case activities, closing a case, and producing reports. Only an attorney and a secretary are required to run the system. The secretary obtains indigency information, creates the case file, and passes the case on to the attorney. The attorney interviews the client, keeps a case activity log, and determines when cases are to be closed. A statistician makes periodic reports from case index card information. Major AMICUS forms include the application for defense services, the quick action card, a four-part complex case opening form, and a client interview form. The complex case opening form consists of a case file label, a case index card, a case log sheet, and a case closing sheet. The principal reports produced are the case turnover summary, the case closing summary, and the historical comparison report of caseload. Modifications in the system are required if the office uses central filing with open case jackets, if the office treats all incidents involving one defendant as a single case, or if particular types of cases, e.g., juvenile cases, require information not included on the standard forms, The expanded AMICUS system provides for an information bank containing previous research documents. The bank consists of a master index to topics, a topic index card for each topic in each document, and a document with a cover page. The system can also be used for developing caseweighting systems to facilitate assignment of caseloads. Sample AMICUS forms and reports, and a master index of information bank subject headings are provided. See NCJ 80721 for volume 1.