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America's Cradle to Prison Pipeline, Summary Report

NCJ Number
Date Published
44 pages
This is the summary of a report that documents conditions and policies facing children in America that make it likely that a significant percentage, mostly those of a minority race/ethnicity, will be imprisoned at some point in their lives.
Data and information are presented on child poverty; racial disparity; family status; health and mental health; education; juvenile and criminal justice; and community support, role models, and mentors. This documentation shows that a significant number of infants, children, and teens in America are faced with dangers and disadvantages that increase their chances of dying, becoming mentally and/or physically ill, failing to obtain an education to prepare them for employment, being criminally victimized, and/or being imprisoned for committing a crime. Given these facts, this report maintains that "The United States of American is not a level playing field for all children, and our Nation does not value and protect all children's lives equally." Action steps are proposed "to protect and rescue children from the prison pipeline." The nine action steps are reflected in one of the recommendations: "Call and work for a fundamental paradigm shift in child policy and practice away from the too frequent first choice of punishment and incarceration to prevention and early intervention and sustained child investment." Among the recommended actions steps are high-quality early childhood programs, making caring adults and mentors available to every child, preparing every child to succeed at work and life, using the Nation's resources to eliminate socioeconomic disadvantages for minorities, significantly reducing the number of children entering the child welfare system and justice systems, and countering America's cultural tradition of guns and violence. 14 tables