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American System of Criminal Justice - Third Edition

NCJ Number
G F Cole
Date Published
523 pages
This textbook presents a multidisciplinary introduction to crime and the administration of justice, law enforcement operations, corrections practices and alternatives, the adjudicatory process, and juvenile justice.
It examines the extent of crime and its causes and variety before looking at criminal law and the decisionmaking process. Law enforcement policy and functions, police organization and subculture, and political influences affecting the police are important issues as are the roles of the prosecuting and defense attorneys and court structure and functions. The text describes trial and posttrial processes, the sentencing process, and postconviction strategies, such as probation, restitution, and fines. It explores the world of the prison inmate and the correctional guard and looks at community-based alternatives (probation and parole). Discussion of the juvenile justice system focuses on system operations, juveniles' rights, due process and deinstitutionalization problems, and other pressing issues. The text incorporates case studies, bibliographies, graphics, a running glossary, and excerpts from newspaper articles to illustrate the information. Each chapter includes reference notes, suggestions for further reading, and discussion questions. A general index and an index of cases, as well as photographs and some data tables are presented.