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American Realities: Poverty, Economy, and Education (From Dropouts from School: Issues, Dilemmas, and Solutions, P 205-223, 1989, Lois Weis, Eleanor Farrar, et al., eds. -- See NCJ-129690)

NCJ Number
M W Apple
Date Published
19 pages
An analysis of dropouts is presented in relation to the economic system.
The present economic situation is characterized by a marked redistribution of income and benefits from the poor to the rich with gender, race, and age inequalities. Unemployment statistics show persons of color, women, and the young are the most affected. Students will face these structures of inequality in employment and the realities of poverty in the future. To deal with the dropout problem from an economic standpoint, changes in the educational system will require more than short term interventions such as limited training programs, counseling, and placement services. It will involve long-term changes in the structure of labor markets and in the provision of transitional income employment as well as support. Expanding educational opportunities and large scale and continued funding for such educational programs will be required. In addition, it will require a growing economy that can provide meaningful jobs at the end of the school experience. To achieve this goal, progressive economic and social policies need to be implemented to promote a democratically controlled economic, political, and educational system. 58 notes


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