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American Prisons: An Annotated Bibliography

NCJ Number
E H McConnell, L J Moriarty
Date Published
334 pages
This book contains annotations for selected references in the Encyclopedia of American Prisons (1996).
The supplement can help students and researchers make decisions about whether to obtain the source for research projects, contains information about sources readily available through university libraries and contains bibliographic entries for each subject in the encyclopedia. Entries include specific organizations, projects and individuals as well as general topics, such as: (1) Accreditation; (2) AIDS; (3) Boot Camps; (4) Chain Gangs; (5) Commissaries; (6) Corporal Punishment; (7) Developmentally Disabled Offenders; (8) Executions in the United States; (9) History of Prisons; (10) Jailhouse Lawyers; (11) Medical Experiments; (12) President's Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice; (13) Racial Conflict; (14) Religion in Prison; (15) Sexual Exploitation in Prison; (16) Snitch; (17) Unions; (18) Wardens; (19) Work Programs; and (20) Youth in Prison. Index