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American Perspective on Forensic Psychiatry and Mental Health Law in Europe

NCJ Number
Medicine and Law Volume: 5 Issue: 4 Dated: (1986) Pages: 309-321
H C Modlin; P J Resnick; J Q LaFond
Date Published
13 pages
This paper presents observations of the mental health law systems of England, Sweden, Hungary, Switzerland, and France by an interdisciplinary delegation of mental health professionals and legalists, who visited Europe under the auspices of People-to-People International.
Procedures for both civil commitment and the insanity defense in criminal defendants were examined in each country. The mental health law systems were found to be similar to those in the United States in the 1950's emphasizing utilitarianism and paternalism. Far more authority is delegated to mental health professionals in Europe than in the United States. Protection of community safety is given a much higher priority than individual rights. 2 references. (Author abstract modified)