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American Government for Law Enforcement Training

NCJ Number
D W Berney
Date Published
331 pages
This book, which is written from the perspective of the law enforcement officer, provides a working knowledge of the philosophy of American Government and functional acquaintance with its operation.
Aspects of Government which are of direct interest and importance to the law enforcement function are emphasized. The text focuses on the cultural and constitutional environment in which the Government functions. Topics addressed include the political culture of the United States, foundations of the Constitution, the constitutional document, and the political system of Federalism. Institutions of the Government are described, including the Congress, the executive branch, administrative branch, and the judicial system. The work provides an overview of the safeguards of civil liberties, political parties in a democracy, interest groups and their pressures, State governments, municipal and local governments, and the role of the police in a democratic society. Analysis emphasizes the actual operation of Government, and human motives as well as procedures are examined. The criminal justice process is identified as one system which is dependent upon the cooperation of several sets of professionals, all of whom are equally necessary to satisfactory performance of the system. Thirty-three reference notes, a list of case citations, the text of the Constitution, an index, and a suggested reading list are provided. (Author summary modified)


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