This issue opens with an article commemorating the 2010 National Missing Children's Day, celebrating annually on the 25 day of May. This year's theme was "Bringing Our Missing Children Home Safely." The article titled, "AMBER Alert Training Helps Solves 1996 Child Homicide Case describes how AMBER Alert aided the Oregon Sheriff's Office successfully solve the 1996 child homicide case of Kaelin Rose Glazier. The Front Lines section of the bulletin presents the Sheriff of Orange Park, FL and his crediting of the AMBER Alert and missing children investigation trainings with the solving of a high profile abduction case. The bulletin profiles Bob Hoever, Associate Director of Special Projects, Missing Children Division for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) and his contribution to training. AMBER Alert International outlines international activities related to missing children such as Child Rescue Alert in the United Kingdom, Canada's wireless AMBER Alerts, and South Africa's "Let's Give the Red Card to Child Exploitation" Campaign launched to protect children during the 2010 World Cup. The final section of the AMBER Advocate highlights other relevant ongoing State and local activities related to missing children such as the use of Facebook in the identification of missing persons, Georgia's issuance of a Blue Alert for suspected officer murderers, Missouri's Child Identification and Protection Program.
The AMBER Advocate, Volume 4, Issue 2, August 2010
NCJ Number
Amber Advocate Volume: 4 Issue: 2 Dated: Summer 2010 Pages: 1-12
Date Published
August 2010
12 pages
This issue of the Amber Advocate was a special edition recognizing National Missing Children's Day along with State, local, an international programs, trainings, and other activities related to AMBER Alert and missing children.
Date Published: August 1, 2010