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Alternative to Prisons: An Indian Perspective

NCJ Number
Indian Journal of Criminology Volume: 18 Issue: 2 Dated: (July 1990) Pages: 93-96
D R Singh
Date Published
4 pages
Alternatives to institutional treatment for offenders in India are examined, in particularly community-based options.
The present approach of institutionalization of offenders has failed to deliver the desired goal of reformation and rehabilitation. In addition costs are accrued by the community to house, maintain, reform, and rehabilitate the offenders in the community. The modern correctional concepts calls for the treatment of the convicted offender within the community through programs such as probation, parole, suspended sentence, deferred sentence, community service order, day training centers, attendance centers, halfway houses, restitution, cautioning, and monetary fines. In the United States, funds for community-based treatment are provided through the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA). In India the probation and parole facilities are not being used to the full extent. The use of community options for rehabilitative purposes will not only help the offender but will benefit the community through provision of services, adjustment of offenders to community life, and alleviation of the costs of offender institutionalization. (Author abstract modified) 9 references