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Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, One, Two, Three: Voice Recognition Make In-Car Communications Easier

NCJ Number
Law Enforcement Technology Volume: 26 Issue: 2 Dated: February 1999 Pages: 54-57
R L Paynter
Date Published
4 pages
Voice recognition software can improve police productivity, provide information to police officers, and increase police officer safety by enabling them to use their voice to run laptop computers.
Voice recognition software is especially beneficial in law enforcement because it allows police officers to watch and pursue a suspect with both hands on the wheel. There are basically two types of voice recognition software; one uses a discrete engine, while the other uses a continuous engine. A discrete engine takes verbal information in small bytes, one-word commands, or with pauses between each word. With a continuous engine, the user can talk conversationally and the computer will pick up every word. Vira Voca computer software packages on the market are described and illustrated and the need for police officer training in the use of these packages is emphasized. The changing nature of voice recognition technology is discussed. 2 photographs