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Alleviating the Corrections Crunch with High-Density Mobile Storage

NCJ Number
Corrections Today Volume: 53 Issue: 2 Dated: (April 1991) Pages: 122,124-125
J J Franck
Date Published
3 pages
To alleviate crowding problems, some correctional facilities have begun to use high-density mobile storage systems.
High-density mobile storage permits a marked reduction in square footage without limiting storage space. Space conservation improves operations and reduces costs incurred from administrative expenditures. High-density storage utilizes half or more of previously wasted space and allows the freed space to be used for additional materials and services or to accommodate more inmates. The modes of operation available include manual units for small systems, mechanical assist or crank handle drive for intermediate use, and electronic push-button units for large systems. The high-density mobile storage system installation at the Federal Correctional Institution in Sheridan, Oregon, is described as an example of a state-of-the-art mobile application.