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NCJ Number
K N Wright
Date Published
5 pages
This study uses data from State and Federal inmate surveys to examine inmate alcohol use before and during incarceration; alcohol treatment programs in State and Federal correctional facilities are also reviewed.
The survey data show that inmates have a high incidence of alcohol abuse in their past compared to the general population. Their alcohol abuse probably relates to their criminality, arrests, convictions, and incarceration. Beyond these broad conclusions, however, there is little information on how alcohol use affected the lifestyles of inmates before their incarceration. Even less is known about alcohol use by inmates while incarcerated. Interviews with prison guards and other prison officials yield a consensus that inmates who consume alcohol fight more than inmates who do not use alcohol. There are no valid data to confirm this, however. A better understanding of alcohol use by inmates in prison requires better estimates of the frequency of such use and its relationship to other drug availability. Although most State and Federal prison systems provide alcohol abuse treatment, they do not have sufficient resources to meet inmate needs. Additional research should examine how treatment programs can help inmates avoid alcohol abuse after release. 26 references, 1 table, and 1 figure