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Alcohol Use Disorders and Depression: Protective Factors in the Development of Unique Versus Comorbid Outcomes

NCJ Number
Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse Volume: 19 Issue: 4 Dated: September-October 2010 Pages: 309-323
J. David Hawkins; Rick Kosterman; Richard F. Catalano; W. Alex Mason
Date Published
September 2010
15 pages
This study examined protective factors for young adult disorders.
This study examines protective factors for young adult alcohol use disorders, depression, and comorbid alcohol use disorders and depression. Participants were recruited from all fifth-grade students attending 18 Seattle elementary schools. Of the 1,053 students eligible, 808 (77 percent) agreed to participate. Youths were surveyed when they were 10 years old in 1985 and followed to age 21 years in 1996 (95 percent retention). Protective factors were measured at age 14 years. Young adult disorders were assessed with the Diagnostic Interview Schedule. Alcohol refusal skills, academic skills, school and family bonding, parental rewards, school rewards, and family cohesion at age 14 years were associated with decreased risk for comorbidity at age 21 years. Table and references (Published Abstract)