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Alcohol-Related Battering: Developing Treatment Strategies

NCJ Number
Journal of Family Violence Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Dated: (June 1994) Pages: 143-155
K R Conner; G D Ackerley
Date Published
13 pages
Studies focusing on the relationship between alcohol and spouse abuse, the relationship between alcohol and aggression, and treatment methods for alcoholism and battering are examined to develop an appropriate intervention strategy for alcohol-related battering.
The analysis concludes that the role of physiological and cognitive changes brought on by alcohol, the interaction of alcohol and frustration in producing aggression, and needs for personal power in men who drink and then commit violence are all promising explanations for the link between alcohol and battering. Three approaches to treatment are then discussed: alcoholism treatment based on the disease model, cognitive-behavioral treatments for alcoholism and battering, and feminist-based treatment for battering. The analysis concludes that the incorporation of an alcohol component in batterer treatment programs may prove to be an effective intervention strategy with alcohol-related battering. A model for an alcohol component is proposed that focuses on alcohol-related battering only, with a referral for more intensive treatment of alcoholism once the battering has been effectively managed. An immediate referral for concurrent alcoholism treatment is recommended in severe cases of alcoholism. 65 references (Author abstract modified)