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Alcohol Policy XI: Time to Push Back

NCJ Number
Bottom Line on Alcohol in Society Volume: 19 Issue: 2 Dated: Summer 1998 Pages: 1-218
Robert L. Hammond
Date Published
222 pages
Articles are grouped under the following topics: advocating for alcohol policy, setting guidelines for alcohol use, policies to protect children and discourage underage drinking, alcohol and health, the effects of price on alcohol consumption, alcohol and public safety, and keeping up to date on alcohol policy issues.
Nine articles pertain to advocation for alcohol policy. Topics include the importance of citizen awareness of and influence on alcohol policy, elements critical to any alcohol policy initiative, alcohol policy in developing nations, public attitudes toward alcohol policy initiatives, alcohol policy in the national drug control strategy, and the involvement of physicians in advocating for alcohol policy. Seven articles discuss issues in setting guidelines for alcohol use, including situational abstinence, the quest for moderation, knowing when to stop drinking, guidelines for low-risk alcohol use, and why some people should not drink alcohol. Eleven papers focus on policies to protect children and discourage underage drinking. Topics addressed include advertising for alcoholic beverages, issues in the minimum drinking age debate, the impact of the minimum legal drinking age on teen suicides. and the age of drinking onset as a predictor of later alcohol problems. The three papers on alcohol and health consider the health benefit claims of moderate drinking. Two papers discuss the effects of price on alcohol consumption, and four papers consider alcohol and public safety